“Masochism, in its eccentric eroticism, makes explicit what most contemporary asceticism merely hints at: the affirmation of the body’s frailty as a gateway to intense pleasure.”
― Anita Phillips, A Defence of Masochism.

Sado-masochism is at the center of Queen Sensoria‘s practice. The Queen approaches her field as an art form, where both sadist and masochist are artists; one by inspiring awe and inflicting well-dosed, minute climaxes of suffering; the other by letting themselves be inspired and raptured to a point of sublimation of pain into pleasure.
Here is a quick definition:

“Sadomasochism is the giving or receiving of pleasure from acts involving the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation. […]
Sado-masochism in Wikipedia.
“The two words incorporated into this compound, sadism and masochism, were originally derived from the names of two authors.
“The term Sadism has its origin in the name of the Marquis de Sade […]. Masochism is named after Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, who wrote novels expressing his masochistic fantasies.”
The pain inflicted by Queen Sensoria is of 2 natures: emotional and physical. She nonchalantly imposes notable emotional suffering by savantly and delicately putting forward her body & mind beauty thru langage and feminine contraptions, without ever giving herself entirely to her submissives. Here is how Leopold von Sacher-Masoch explained the effect that this kind of pain had on him:
“I love her passionately with a morbid intensity; madly as one can only love a woman who never responds to our love with anything but an eternally uniform, eternally calm, stony smile.”
― Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs.
It is furthermore clarified by the author introducing Sacher-Masoch’s masterpiece:
“Masochism is something else, which is of particular value in literature only as an example of one of the most surprising consequences of romanticism.”
― Willy-Paul Romain, introduction to Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s Venus in Fur (free translation).
For Queen Sensoria, Femdom sado-masochism is of particular interest in the fact that it abolishes the war between the sexes by playing with their so-called roles and making something bigger out of them, as Anita Philips puts it:
“Masochistic pleasure does not merely reflect inequalities and unfairness, however ; it eroticizes them.”
― Anita Phillips, A Defence of Masochism.
It is because of her great ability to feel what others feel and because of having herself a definite taste for pain that Queen Sensoria can directly get pleasure from inflicting pain to her submissives. She feels the pain She gives and easily imagines the effect it has, which is why She particularly enjoys playing with heavy masochists. Second-guessing the condition her preys are in helps Her nurture their state and bring them where She wants them, for her own pleasure.
At the best, Queen Sensoria is looking for submissives who will sublimize themselves to a point of subjectification and who can identify to their Dominant’s pleasure. For this reason, She has no time to waste with bratty types, who for Her are just missing the whole point, which is surrendering their will to provoke physical and mental ecstasy.
The excitement of getting a submissive under her control and at her mercy is a rafined delicacy that She tastes all the better when getting feedback from the joyful torments she inflicts. Hearing the complaints and the pleads of her subjects is the calling for more agonies which She craves.

“My passions, concentrated on a single point, resemble the rays of a sun assembled by a magnifying glass: they immediately set fire to whatever object they find in their way.”
― Marquis de Sade, Juliette.